Novinky a slevy v obchodě GTF ve Vaňkovce!
Víte, kam teď, v době, kdy jsou všude skvělé slevy, rozhodně stojí za to zajít? Určitě do GTF STORE (DIESEL) v Galerii Vaňkovka. Slevy tu totiž teď jsou až 50% na celou kolekci DIESEL! A to se na cenách opravdu projeví:)
Obchod GTF Vám rozhodně představovat nemusím, protože se jeho jméno objevuje na mém blogu poměrně často:) Určitě tedy víte, že tu koupíte módu skvělé italské značky DIESEL, která je pověstná svým výjimečným designem, který je naprosto charakteristický pro každou kolekci. Oblečení je střihově zajímavé, nápadité, jednotlivé věci, tedy zejména džíny, dokonale sednou a krásně podtrhují ženské křivky. Já sama konkrétně na džíny DIESEL opravdu nedám dopustit.
V GTF (DIESEL) je co se džínů týka, opravdu velký výběr – jak pro dámy, tak pro pány. A jsou také ve slevách!
Kromě módy najdete v GTF také boty Mel a velmi oblíbené tašky Obag, které se obecně těší obrovské popularitě. Na výběr je tu mnoho barev a typů, takže stačí si jen vybrat a sestavit tu svoji, vysněnou:)
Pojďme ale ke zmiňovaným novinkám – v GTF jsou nyní úžasné nové kabelky, které Vám musím představit! Jsou to nádherné modely, se kterými do davu určitě nezapadnete:)
Co říkáte třeba na tyto kouzelné batůžky?:)
Naprosto dokonalá je tato větší červená kabelka – skvělá barva a zajímavý tvar. Mně se líbí opravdu moc!
Za zmínku pak určitě stojí tato velká taška, „shopper“! Spoustu věcí se Vám do ní vejde a k tomu ještě „uděláte velkou parádu“:)
Tašky a batohy si tu ovšem můžou pořídit i pánové – mrkněte, jaká je nabídka:
Zaujaly mě zde i tyto boty, které tu jsou nyní nově nabízené, opět jak pro dámy, tak pro pány. Kvalitní, pohodlné, teploučké. Ideální teď, na zimu:)
A co slevy a výprodeje? Ano, jak jsem napsala, slevy tu jsou nyní až 50% – což je na cenách skutečně hodně znát. Pár zajímavých modelů jsem pro Vaši inspiraci vybrala a nafotila – tady jsou:
Ve slevách tu najdete také zajímavé bundičky, kabátky…naprosto božská je pak tato chlupatá vesta, že?:)
S výraznou slevou tu pořídíte i výjimečné džíny DIESEL, které jsou opravdu velmi kvalitní a vydrží Vám mnoho let. Najdete tu spoustu typů v několika barevných a střihových provedeních.
Mnoho dalších fotek zajímavých modelů z GTF si můžete prohlédnout ve fotogalerii.
Warning: Trying to access array offset on value of type bool in /data/web/virtuals/290633/virtual/www/wp-content/plugins/easy-image-gallery/includes/template-functions.php on line 451
Warning: Attempt to read property "post_excerpt" on null in /data/web/virtuals/290633/virtual/www/wp-content/plugins/easy-image-gallery/includes/template-functions.php on line 455
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Warning: Attempt to read property "post_excerpt" on null in /data/web/virtuals/290633/virtual/www/wp-content/plugins/easy-image-gallery/includes/template-functions.php on line 455
Warning: Trying to access array offset on value of type bool in /data/web/virtuals/290633/virtual/www/wp-content/plugins/easy-image-gallery/includes/template-functions.php on line 451
Warning: Attempt to read property "post_excerpt" on null in /data/web/virtuals/290633/virtual/www/wp-content/plugins/easy-image-gallery/includes/template-functions.php on line 455
Warning: Trying to access array offset on value of type bool in /data/web/virtuals/290633/virtual/www/wp-content/plugins/easy-image-gallery/includes/template-functions.php on line 451
Warning: Attempt to read property "post_excerpt" on null in /data/web/virtuals/290633/virtual/www/wp-content/plugins/easy-image-gallery/includes/template-functions.php on line 455
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Warning: Attempt to read property "post_excerpt" on null in /data/web/virtuals/290633/virtual/www/wp-content/plugins/easy-image-gallery/includes/template-functions.php on line 455
Warning: Trying to access array offset on value of type bool in /data/web/virtuals/290633/virtual/www/wp-content/plugins/easy-image-gallery/includes/template-functions.php on line 451
Warning: Attempt to read property "post_excerpt" on null in /data/web/virtuals/290633/virtual/www/wp-content/plugins/easy-image-gallery/includes/template-functions.php on line 455
Warning: Trying to access array offset on value of type bool in /data/web/virtuals/290633/virtual/www/wp-content/plugins/easy-image-gallery/includes/template-functions.php on line 451
Warning: Attempt to read property "post_excerpt" on null in /data/web/virtuals/290633/virtual/www/wp-content/plugins/easy-image-gallery/includes/template-functions.php on line 455
Warning: Trying to access array offset on value of type bool in /data/web/virtuals/290633/virtual/www/wp-content/plugins/easy-image-gallery/includes/template-functions.php on line 451
Warning: Attempt to read property "post_excerpt" on null in /data/web/virtuals/290633/virtual/www/wp-content/plugins/easy-image-gallery/includes/template-functions.php on line 455
Warning: Trying to access array offset on value of type bool in /data/web/virtuals/290633/virtual/www/wp-content/plugins/easy-image-gallery/includes/template-functions.php on line 451
Warning: Attempt to read property "post_excerpt" on null in /data/web/virtuals/290633/virtual/www/wp-content/plugins/easy-image-gallery/includes/template-functions.php on line 455
Warning: Trying to access array offset on value of type bool in /data/web/virtuals/290633/virtual/www/wp-content/plugins/easy-image-gallery/includes/template-functions.php on line 451
Warning: Attempt to read property "post_excerpt" on null in /data/web/virtuals/290633/virtual/www/wp-content/plugins/easy-image-gallery/includes/template-functions.php on line 455
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Warning: Attempt to read property "post_excerpt" on null in /data/web/virtuals/290633/virtual/www/wp-content/plugins/easy-image-gallery/includes/template-functions.php on line 455
Warning: Trying to access array offset on value of type bool in /data/web/virtuals/290633/virtual/www/wp-content/plugins/easy-image-gallery/includes/template-functions.php on line 451
Warning: Attempt to read property "post_excerpt" on null in /data/web/virtuals/290633/virtual/www/wp-content/plugins/easy-image-gallery/includes/template-functions.php on line 455
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Warning: Attempt to read property "post_excerpt" on null in /data/web/virtuals/290633/virtual/www/wp-content/plugins/easy-image-gallery/includes/template-functions.php on line 455
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Warning: Attempt to read property "post_excerpt" on null in /data/web/virtuals/290633/virtual/www/wp-content/plugins/easy-image-gallery/includes/template-functions.php on line 455
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Warning: Attempt to read property "post_excerpt" on null in /data/web/virtuals/290633/virtual/www/wp-content/plugins/easy-image-gallery/includes/template-functions.php on line 455
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Warning: Attempt to read property "post_excerpt" on null in /data/web/virtuals/290633/virtual/www/wp-content/plugins/easy-image-gallery/includes/template-functions.php on line 455
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Warning: Attempt to read property "post_excerpt" on null in /data/web/virtuals/290633/virtual/www/wp-content/plugins/easy-image-gallery/includes/template-functions.php on line 455
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Warning: Attempt to read property "post_excerpt" on null in /data/web/virtuals/290633/virtual/www/wp-content/plugins/easy-image-gallery/includes/template-functions.php on line 455
Warning: Trying to access array offset on value of type bool in /data/web/virtuals/290633/virtual/www/wp-content/plugins/easy-image-gallery/includes/template-functions.php on line 451
Warning: Attempt to read property "post_excerpt" on null in /data/web/virtuals/290633/virtual/www/wp-content/plugins/easy-image-gallery/includes/template-functions.php on line 455
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Warning: Attempt to read property "post_excerpt" on null in /data/web/virtuals/290633/virtual/www/wp-content/plugins/easy-image-gallery/includes/template-functions.php on line 455
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Warning: Attempt to read property "post_excerpt" on null in /data/web/virtuals/290633/virtual/www/wp-content/plugins/easy-image-gallery/includes/template-functions.php on line 455
Warning: Trying to access array offset on value of type bool in /data/web/virtuals/290633/virtual/www/wp-content/plugins/easy-image-gallery/includes/template-functions.php on line 451
Warning: Attempt to read property "post_excerpt" on null in /data/web/virtuals/290633/virtual/www/wp-content/plugins/easy-image-gallery/includes/template-functions.php on line 455
Warning: Trying to access array offset on value of type bool in /data/web/virtuals/290633/virtual/www/wp-content/plugins/easy-image-gallery/includes/template-functions.php on line 451
Warning: Attempt to read property "post_excerpt" on null in /data/web/virtuals/290633/virtual/www/wp-content/plugins/easy-image-gallery/includes/template-functions.php on line 455
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Warning: Attempt to read property "post_excerpt" on null in /data/web/virtuals/290633/virtual/www/wp-content/plugins/easy-image-gallery/includes/template-functions.php on line 455
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Warning: Attempt to read property "post_excerpt" on null in /data/web/virtuals/290633/virtual/www/wp-content/plugins/easy-image-gallery/includes/template-functions.php on line 455
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Warning: Attempt to read property "post_excerpt" on null in /data/web/virtuals/290633/virtual/www/wp-content/plugins/easy-image-gallery/includes/template-functions.php on line 455
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Warning: Attempt to read property "post_excerpt" on null in /data/web/virtuals/290633/virtual/www/wp-content/plugins/easy-image-gallery/includes/template-functions.php on line 455
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Warning: Attempt to read property "post_excerpt" on null in /data/web/virtuals/290633/virtual/www/wp-content/plugins/easy-image-gallery/includes/template-functions.php on line 455
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Warning: Attempt to read property "post_excerpt" on null in /data/web/virtuals/290633/virtual/www/wp-content/plugins/easy-image-gallery/includes/template-functions.php on line 455
Warning: Trying to access array offset on value of type bool in /data/web/virtuals/290633/virtual/www/wp-content/plugins/easy-image-gallery/includes/template-functions.php on line 451
Warning: Attempt to read property "post_excerpt" on null in /data/web/virtuals/290633/virtual/www/wp-content/plugins/easy-image-gallery/includes/template-functions.php on line 455
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Warning: Attempt to read property "post_excerpt" on null in /data/web/virtuals/290633/virtual/www/wp-content/plugins/easy-image-gallery/includes/template-functions.php on line 455
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Warning: Attempt to read property "post_excerpt" on null in /data/web/virtuals/290633/virtual/www/wp-content/plugins/easy-image-gallery/includes/template-functions.php on line 455
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Warning: Attempt to read property "post_excerpt" on null in /data/web/virtuals/290633/virtual/www/wp-content/plugins/easy-image-gallery/includes/template-functions.php on line 455
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Warning: Attempt to read property "post_excerpt" on null in /data/web/virtuals/290633/virtual/www/wp-content/plugins/easy-image-gallery/includes/template-functions.php on line 455
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Warning: Attempt to read property "post_excerpt" on null in /data/web/virtuals/290633/virtual/www/wp-content/plugins/easy-image-gallery/includes/template-functions.php on line 455
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Warning: Attempt to read property "post_excerpt" on null in /data/web/virtuals/290633/virtual/www/wp-content/plugins/easy-image-gallery/includes/template-functions.php on line 455
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Warning: Attempt to read property "post_excerpt" on null in /data/web/virtuals/290633/virtual/www/wp-content/plugins/easy-image-gallery/includes/template-functions.php on line 455
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Warning: Attempt to read property "post_excerpt" on null in /data/web/virtuals/290633/virtual/www/wp-content/plugins/easy-image-gallery/includes/template-functions.php on line 455
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Warning: Attempt to read property "post_excerpt" on null in /data/web/virtuals/290633/virtual/www/wp-content/plugins/easy-image-gallery/includes/template-functions.php on line 455
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Warning: Attempt to read property "post_excerpt" on null in /data/web/virtuals/290633/virtual/www/wp-content/plugins/easy-image-gallery/includes/template-functions.php on line 455
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Warning: Attempt to read property "post_excerpt" on null in /data/web/virtuals/290633/virtual/www/wp-content/plugins/easy-image-gallery/includes/template-functions.php on line 455
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Warning: Attempt to read property "post_excerpt" on null in /data/web/virtuals/290633/virtual/www/wp-content/plugins/easy-image-gallery/includes/template-functions.php on line 455